The BMIA board
Filip Veldeman
M.D.,Terra Nova Healthcare Schoten.
Etienne De Clercq
M.D. Prof., Vice-President, EFMI, (IMIA) / Prof. at the UCL university Brussels, EFMI, (IMIA)
Tonny Gypen
VMBI, (EFMI) / AlphaManagementConsulting, VMBI,NVKVV, SIXI, (EFMI)
- Peter BEIRLAAN, Business Development Manager Xpertis N.V.
- Joseph BELLON, dir Nursing, president of SIXI, Soins Infirmiers et Informatique,
- Anja BRAET, KUL, Leuven,
- Etienne DECLERCQ, MIM Vice-president, Brussels
- Jos DEVLIES, M.D. treasurer / PROREC-BE, Jabbeke,
- Danny JAMAER, M.D. CMA, Centrum Medische Analyse, Herentals,
- Leon LUYTEN, UZA, Antwerpen,
- Ingrid MERTENS - M.D., FOD Volksgezondheid, Brussels,
- Ilke MONTAG, Imelda Ziekenhuis, Bonheide,
- Marc NYSSEN , Ir. Prof. Biostatistiek en Medische Informatica at the VUB - University Brussels.
- Sabine PIETERS, Maastricht University,
- Philippe PIETTE - Grand Hopital de Charleroi.
- François ROCOUX, Eng., Palantiris, Mont St-Guibert.
- Francis ROGER FRANCE - M.D. Emeritus Prof. at the UCL university Brussels, IMIA, JFIM.
- Etienne SALIEZ, M.D. MIM webmaster, ISfTeH, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth, La Hulpe.
- Diego SCHRANS, M.D., Universiteit Gent,
- Rudi TIELEMANS, M.D., UniWeb, Meise.
- Philippe VANDENBERGH, HITM / HECAMAX, Health Care Management & Services, Herzele
- Filip VELDEMAN, M.D., MIM President,
Legal address
MIM, vzw-asbl
c/o Prof. Etienne Declercq
Université Catholique de Louvain / IRSS
Ecole de Santé Publique
Clos Chapelle-aux-Champs 30, box "B1.30.13"
1200 Brussels